One thought after another

UnitTesting on the iPhone

I have to admit, that I find xcode and objective-c the most challenging developing environment I have ever tried. Specifically, I have struggled to find an easy way of including unittests for an application. Even though it comes with some unittest templates, I haven’t successfully put it to work. Can’t say I have tried that much either; it all seemed to complicated to be worth it…

This weekend, the following tweet got my attention:

![TDD for iPhone Development :][2]

The video shows a step-by-step guide on how to get started with unittesting for the iPhone. It looked great, and not that complicated, so I decided to give it a try. 10 minutes later, only delayed by a mysterious “Failed to launch simulated application: Unknown error.”-error*, I had my first unittest up and running in the simulator.

If you develop for the iPhone, and either have struggled with unittesting, or just never tried, I will recommend you watch the video. The steps followed in the video is thoroughly documented on the authors home page.

*I never found a reason for this error. As for so many other error messages I have encountered in xcode, starting a new project resolved the issue…

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